36 Online Cost Books Covering the Entire Range of Heavy Civil & Infrastructure Work for the United States & Canada

Heavy Civil Infrastructure Cost Books
View Online Cost Books
36 online Cost Book Categories for the United States & Canada including Unit Rates, Selling Prices, Production Rates, and Basis of Estimates, including Colour Sketches, Quantity Tables, Haul Cycles, Form Factors, Rebar Factors, and more.
Each of the 36 Cost Book categories includes separate Cost Books covering the Basis of Estimates, Unit Costs in United States Dollars in English Units, United States Dollars in Metric Units & Canadian Dollars in Metric Units.
There are over 140 Cost Books in total available for viewing at www.HeavyCivilData.com

Heavy Civil Infrastructure Cost Books
HCI Cost Data provides cost data dedicated to Heavy Civil and Infrastructure Construction.
Heavy Civil Cost Data includes access to over 36 online Cost Book Categories in Flip Book format. These book categories include a Basis of Estimate document, coloured sketches, quantity factors & tables along with unit rates, selling prices & man-hour factors for both the American & Canadian Heavy Civil and Infrastructure markets.
The Unit Cost Books include Selling Prices, Item Unit Rates, Item Cost Breakdown, Resource Rates, Estimate Assembly Detail, Activity Unit Rates & the complete breakdown of Crews & Production Rates. There are over 80,000 Cost Items & Activities under each category for a total of 240,000 including American English, American Metric & Canadian Metric units.
Purchase Master Estimate Files
The full detailed estimates are available for individual purchase in ©️HCSS HeavyBid Estimating Software format. Users can upload & restore these estimates into their estimating system and use them as templates to copy from when working on their estimates. Within their estimating software, users can update labor, material & equipment, edit crews, and modify crew productivity based on their local market conditions.
All 36 Master Estimates are available for sale at HeavyCivilData.com

Read What Costs are Included
The Master Estimates cover Earth Excavation, Rock Excavation, Grading, Drainage, Sewer and Watermain, Aggregate Processing, Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Roadway Lighting and signals.
The excavation cost books Included the various classifications of common, structural & rock excavation, including the material properties, truck haul cycles, and rock drill blast patterns used to calculate the costs.
The paving cost books Included material properties, asphalt & concrete mix proportions, aggregate gradations, truck haul cycles, and placing rates.
The Master Estimates Included Piles and Drilled Caissons, Retaining Walls, Highway Overpass Structures, River Bridges, and Approach Structures, including Precast Girders & the erection of Structural Steel & Cable Stays. All structures roll up to a cost per deck area.
The Cast in Place Concrete Cost Books include Bridge Concrete sketches, form panel sketches, form factors, form re-use factors, rebar factors, and scaffolding tables.
From the Master Estimate files, you can copy a complete bridge structure and then drill down to fine-tune the quantities and edit the production rates & resource rates.
The Master Estimates covers track bed grading, MSE retained fills, Light Rail TBM Tunnels, Cut & Cover Tunnels, Underground Stations, Drilled Shaft Foundations, Elevated Guideway Structures, Elevated River Crossings, Precast Segment Fabrication, Precast Segment Erection, Steel Guideway Erection, Ballasted Track, Direct Fixated Track, Overhead Catenary System & Traction Power Distribution.
From the Master Estimates you can copy in complete track sections, tunnels & guideway structures then fine tune the quantities and edit the production rates & resource rates.
The Master Estimates cover Support of Excavation, Drill & Blast Tunnels, TBM Tunnels, Mined Tunnels, Underground Shafts & Caverns, Cut & Cover Tunnels, Tunnel Concrete & Equipment Mobilization.
Hard rock tunnels included advance rates for varying tunnel sizes & ground support conditions. The TBM tunnels include advance rates for varying tunnel sizes & TBM types including Earth Pressure Balance, Main Beam, Shielded, and Hybrid Machines.
From the Master Estimate files, you can copy & prorate complete tunnels into your estimates.
The Master Estimates cover Mass Earth and Rock Excavation, Rock Support, Rock Tunnels, Underground Powerhouse Excavation, Earth & Rockfill Dam Embankments, Roller Compacted Concrete, Spillway, Intake & Powerhouse Concrete, Flood Control & Irrigation Structures, & Contractor Camps for remote projects.
The online Cost Books Included excavator & truck haul cycle calculations for off-highway trucks up to 250 Tons (228 t).
From the Master Estimates, you can copy in structures & dam embankments, then edit quantities, production rates & resource rates.
The Master Estimate Includes High Voltage Transmission Lines includes 69 & 115 KV Wood Pole lines, 138 KV Steel Pole Lines & 161, 345 & 500 KV Lattice Tower Lines.
The breakdown covers Clearing, Erosion Control, Access Roads, Poles, Tangent Structures, Angle Structures, Dead End Structures, Conductors, Optical Ground Wire, Insulators, Grounding & Restoration.
From the Master Estimate you can copy in the complete transmission lines, then edit quantities, production rates & resource rates.
In addition to direct cost assemblies, the Master Estimates Included a complete detailed Indirect Work Breakdown Structure as well as detailed Indirect Cost Assemblies for a Local Sewer Watermain Project, Municipal Interchange Project, Regional Highway & Bridge Project, Urban Light Rail Transit Project & Remote Heavy Hydro Project including Construction Camp. The resulting overall Margin Factor Matrix (Selling Price/Direct Cost) is included in the Flip Books, including Contractor Risk (Contingency), Design-Build Engineering Fees, Escalation during construction, and Bonding & Insurance factors.
The Cost Books & Master Estimates are available in 3 separate formats: $USD United States USCS (English) Units, $USD United States SI (Metric) Units, and $CAD Canada SI (Metric) Units. All resource rates, tables, material properties, truck haul cycles, form factors, rebar factors, etc., can be viewed in both English & Metric Units.
The American costs in $USD were calculated from first principles using American labor rates, equipment values, fuel prices, and material prices. The Canadian costs in $CAD were calculated in the same manner using Canadian labour, equipment, fuel & material.
HCI Work Breakdown Structure
The breakdown of the Master Estimates follows the HCI Work Breakdown Structure.
- Site Preparation & Earthworks
- Shoring & Tunnelling
- Sewer & Watermain
- Foundations & Structures
- Paving & Siteworks
- Track & Catenary System
- Power Distribution & Lighting
- Mechanical Piping & Building Fit-out
- Contractor Indirect Costs